The CQLS Core Laboratory Facilities provides services, technical expertise, and shared-use instrumentation for molecular bioscience research at Oregon State University. The Core Facilities serve as a focal point for acquisition of new instrumentation and development of technologies and services. The lab works closely with the CQLS Biocomputing and Bioinformatics groups which provide advanced computational resources for data mining, data analysis and database development.

Services and Instrumentation

The CQLS Core Laboratory has services and instruments in the following areas:

Contact CQLS Core Laboratory Facilities (ALS 3139)

email lab: or phone: 541-737-3413

Contact Laboratory Staff for specific services.

Services Sample Dropoff
  • Self-serve sample drop off is in ALS 3139. Hours from 8:30 am - 5 pm
  • All samples can be dropped off in the -20C freezer/refrigerator just inside the front door of ALS 3139.  There are marked shelves for each service in this freezer. Help will be available by appointment or by ringing a doorbell in ALS 3139.
  • If you need to discuss anything about your samples when dropping them off, please make an appointment ahead of time with the relevant person.
Shared Instrumentation (ALS 3139, ALS 3131)
  • The equipment in our multi-user rooms ALS 3139 and ALS 3131, is available for use for trained users.
  • Apply for instrument room access and training
  • Reserve time through RELMS calendar for the instrument. You may need training before access is granted.
  • Use of any of our equipment in ALS 3012 is still by appointment only with the appropriate PPE. You can make an appointment or contact an individual person.
Microscopy (ALS 2070)

Training is needed for both the Leica Stellaris 5 Confocal microscope system and the Keyence BZ-X710 Fluorescence Microscope before access is granted.  The Keyence microscope training information is available online and can be requested. The confocal training is more extensive and is a combination of online and in-person training. Assisted imaging for your projects is also available. More information.