Contact person for this service is Liz Zepeda.
Data Retrieval
After each run, a set of 48 ".fsa" files are generated in a run folder. A 96 well plate will contain 2 folders.
Data can be downloaded via our server after you login.
Data is archived on our servers for 3-6 months. Older data may be available on a CD or DVD hardcopy. CD/DVD copies are held for up to 3 years.
Ultimately researchers are responsible for the integrity of their previously collected data, though we will help when possible.
Data Analysis
CQLS uses ABI GeneMapper® software to analyze the .fsa output files by sizing fragments based on internal lane standard.
Further analysis with GeneMapper® can be used for microsatellite analysis, AFLP analysis, gene expression profiling, mutation detection, and mutation screening. There are free instruction (online modules) available from AB/LifeTechnologies.
GeneMapper® can be accessed on a specific computer in the CQLS which is running a client version of the software to work with your data. Contact Liz Zepeda for additional information.
Free software from Life Technologies Peak Scanner can also be used to visualize your data. We have instructions on printing plots.
Genographer is another free program available to download
You can choose to purchase GeneMapper, either a full version or a client. A client will use the CQLS oracle database for analysis while the full version allows you to set up your own oracle database. Contact Matthew Peterson for more information