CQLS Service Fees
Service | Service Type | Title | Fee Description | Internal Fee Sort descending | Internal ID | External Fee | External ID | DER Rate | Per Item |
Extraction | Setup | Extraction: Collection Micotube Plate | If CQLS Core provides microtube collection plates for use with CQLS Core specific extraction equipment. |
$24.20 | 14115-01 | $36.30 | 14128-01 | $27.23 | plate |
QC Sizing Analysis | Bioanalyzer | Bioanalyzer: Run HS DNA Sample | Run samples on a bioanalyzer HS DNA chip. Minimum of 6 samples to run. |
$25.00 | 10548-09 | $37.50 | 14301-05 | NA | sample |
Illumina Sequencing | QC Sizing Analysis | Bioanalyzer: Run HS DNA Sample | Run samples on a bioanalyzer HS DNA chip. Minimum of 6 samples to run. |
$25.00 | 10548-09 | $37.50 | 14301-05 | NA | sample |
HPC | Web Server | Web Server Monthly VM Rental | Web Server Monthly VM Rental |
$25.00 | 11478-09 | $37.50 | 11232-04 | NA | monthly |
HPC | Data Storage | Data Storage - Monthly Container - Full Server | Data Storage - Monthly Container - Full Server |
$275.00 | 11478-26 | $412.50 | NA | NA | monthly |
Illumina Sequencing | NextSeq Sequencing | NextSeq: P4 XLEAP 100bp Single End with Kit | Fee includes costs of consumables, backup tape, service contract, labor, and illumina kits. |
$3,082.00 | 16234-13 | $4,623.00 | 16236-13 | $3,467.25 | Run |
Illumina Sequencing | NextSeq Sequencing | NextSeq: P3 100bp Paired End with Kit | Fee includes costs of consumables, backup tape, service contract, labor, and illumina kits. |
$3,496.00 | 16234-06 | $5,244.00 | 16236-06 | $3,885.75 | Run |
Illumina Sequencing | Library Prep | IL-Lib: Amplicon PCR Cleanup-48-96 Samples | Illumina amplicon AMPure XP magnetic bead cleanup. 48-96 samples processed at a time. |
$3.00 | 11412-04 | $4.50 | 11214-04 | $3.38 | Sample |
Illumina Sequencing | Library Prep | IL-Lib: Normalization & Pooling-1-47 Samples | Illumina library normalization and pooling for sequencing. 1-47 samples processed at a time. |
$3.20 | 11412-07 | $4.70 | 11214-07 | $3.53 | Sample |
Sanger Sequencing | Economy (no cycle sequencing) | Economy Sanger Sequencing (per rxn) | Economy Sanger sequencing. Cleanup and run only. Minimum 35 samples for processing. If less than 35 samples submitted the order may be delayed one business day for more samples to be submitted for processing. |
$3.50 | 11147-07 | $5.20 | 11146-07 | $3.90 | sample |
Illumina Sequencing | QC Sizing Analysis | QC: Illumina Pooling | Dilution and pooling of Illumina libraries. |
$3.90 | 11412-11 | $5.80 | 11214-11 | $5.22 | sample |
QC Sizing Analysis | Sample Transformation | QC: Illumina Pooling | Dilution and pooling of Illumina libraries. |
$3.90 | 11412-11 | $5.80 | 11214-11 | $5.22 | sample |
Sanger Sequencing | Cycle Sequencing Rxn Included | Standard full plate Sanger sequencing (95) | Standard Sanger Sequencing of samples submitted in a plate as a set of 95 samples (full plate). Standard chemistry reaction, Cleanup, and Run. Full plate cost is the same whether 95 samples or less (down to 48) are submitted |
$376.00 | 11147-06 | $564.00 | 11146-06 | $423.00 | plate |
Illumina Sequencing | NextSeq Sequencing | NextSeq: P2 300bp Paired End with Kit | Fee includes costs of consumables, backup tape, service contract, labor, and illumina kits. |
$4,028.00 | 16234-11 | $6,042.00 | 16236-11 | $4,477.50 | Run |
Illumina Sequencing | NextSeq Sequencing | NextSeq: P4 XLEAP 100bp Paired End with Kit | Fee includes costs of consumables, backup tape, service contract, labor, and illumina kits. |
$4,436.00 | 16234-12 | $6,654.00 | 16236-12 | $4,990.50 | Run |
Illumina Sequencing | NextSeq Sequencing | NextSeq: P3 150bp Paired End with Kit | Fee includes costs of consumables, backup tape, service contract, labor, and illumina kits. |
$4,622.00 | 16234-08 | $6,933.00 | 16236-08 | $5,136.75 | Run |
Extraction | Plant/Fungi | DNA Extraction: Plant/Fungi (full plate = 96 samples) | Users of this service will provide sample tissue in appropriate microtube collection plates for use with extraction robotics. A full plate of samples (exactly 96 samples) required. Price includes supplies, reagents, and labor. |
$4.20 | 14115-04 | $6.40 | 14128-04 | $4.80 | sample |
Extraction | Animal | DNA Extraction: Animal tissue (full plate = 96 samples) | DNA extraction of 96 animal tissue samples with Omega BioTek M6399 |
$4.50 | 14115-07 | $7.00 | 14128-07 | $5.25 | sample |
Illumina Sequencing | Library Prep | IL-Lib: Amplicon PCR Library-48-96 Samples | Illumina initial PCR targetting V3 and V4 regions. 48-96 samples processed at a time. |
$4.70 | 11412-02 | $7.00 | 11214-02 | $5.25 | Sample |
Illumina Sequencing | QC Sizing Analysis | QC: Blue Pippin DNA size selection | Specifically designed for >15kb high molecular weight collections with reduced run time, improved sample recovery, and reproducibility. |
$44.00 | 10548-04 | $65.00 | 14301-04 | $48.75 | lane |