February 21, 2021
Congratulations to Matthew Peterson!
Please join me in congratulating Matthew Peterson on being awarded a NSF Trusted CI Open Science Cybersecurity Fellowship: Trusted CI Blog
February 18, 2021
AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium Call for Participation
Start your engines! The AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium Call for Participation is open. Submit your science and join us October 30 – November 3, at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront.Start your engines! The AMIA 2021 Annual Symposium Call for Participation is open. Submit your science and join us October 30 – November 3, at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. Read more on AMIA's page.
February 17, 2021
AMIA e-News Buzz
Last year, AMIA created a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force to collect data for a baseline on where AMIA stands. Now, the task force will be holding listening sessions as part of the data gathering efforts. The first session is open to AMIA members identifying as Black, African-American and African descent. The date is Wednesday, February 24, at 12:00 PM. Click here to apply for consideration.
February 12, 2021
AMIA Daily Download
Hope everyone is doing well during these unusual times! Top news from the AMIA daily download includes vaccine rollout, a group of hospitals and their decision regarding health data, and California's C-Section costs. Check out the AMIA daily download for February.
November 12, 2020
AMIA Daily Download
AMIA Virtual Symposium November 14-18, updates on the coronavirus pandemic, and more. Check out the AMIA daily download for November.
October 14, 2020
AMIA eBuzz
Congratulations to Denise Hynes for making the list of AMIA fellows! The full list of fellows can be found on the AMIA website.
September 2, 2020
Mark your calendar for the upcoming 2021 Health Datapalooza and National Health Policy Conference February 16-18. Find more information on the AcademyHealth website.
August 27, 2020
"Count Native Hawaiian And Pacific Islanders In COVID-19 Data—It’s An OMB Mandate." Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander graduate students working in the NHPI COVID-19 Data Policy Lab at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research share their perspective on COVID-19 data as it pertains to Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders. Written by Richard Calvin Chang, Corina Penaia, and Karla Thomas. Read more on the Academy Health page.
August 26, 2020
AMIA eNews
AMIA Informatics Summit goes virtual, LEAD Fund Matching Gift Challenge, AMIA 2020 VCIC Digital Collection, Industry Partner Opportunities, the new Director of the National Eye Institute, and more can be found at the AMIA virtual newsletter.
March 29, 2020
Coronavirus Resources
For those of you interested in health data science focused on the coronavirus, you may be interested in the links below.
Forecasting Information: https://covid19.healthdata.org/projections
Population simulation modeling: https://www.lewuathe.com/covid-19-dynamics-with-sir-model.html
Wide ranging info on transmission, findings, tools, and data assets: https://www.kaggle.com/covid-19-contributions?utm_medium=email&utm_source=intercom&utm_campaign=covid19-contributions-email
Stay healthy and safe!
Columbia University Public Health Conference
Dr. Denise Hynes represented Oregon State University in the Data Science for Public Health Conference on January 17, 2020 at Columbia University in New York, NY. Public Health scientists from 60 ASPPH colleges of public health and industry participated in the event. We are pleased to share the YouTube videos here from the conference to give you some insight about how data science research and education is being applied in public health disciplines. Topics discussed varied from climate change to studying disparities in health and healthcare.
March JAMIA Journal Club Registration
Thursday, March 12, at 12p PDT, will see the next JAMIA Journal Club convene. The format is a conversation between a paper’s lead author and JAMIA Student Editorial Board leaders. The upcoming event's topic is Using REDCap and Apple ResearchKit to integrate patient questionnaires and clinical decision support into the electronic health record to improve sexually transmitted infection testing in the emergency department. Click here to register.
Recommended Reading
The National Academy of Medicine's Special Publication "Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: The Hope, the Hype, the Promise, the Peril" is a valuable reference for all stakeholders involved in artificial intelligence, healthcare, or the intersection of the two. Read more here.
AMIA 2020 Informatics Summit Registration Open
Registration for the American Medical Informatics Association's 2020 Informatics Summit in Houston, TX is now open. The programmatic content is overflowing with hot topics such as learning health systems, patient privacy, data extraction and more. Browse all oral presentations, panels, posters and workshops here.
Mathematica Wins AHRQ’s Challenge Grant, New One Announced
On Tuesday, Feb. 11, AHRQ Director Gopal Khanna announced the winner of a Challenge grant. Mathematica, a research and policy organization based in Princeton, N.J., was named the grand prize-winner of the Visualization Resources of Community Health-Level Social Determinants of Health Challenge, which comes with a $50,000 award. Director Khanna made the announcement at the Health Datapalooza conference in Washington, D.C. He also announced a new Challenge focusing on digital solutions to support care transitions. That Challenge will offer a total of $175,000 in prize money for innovations that propose technological solutions that ease administrative and information management burdens and support patient activation and engagement, especially among Americans that may have low health literacy or limited English language proficiency. Access more information, including the list of the runners-up and finalists, for the Social Determinants of Health Challenge along with more information about the Digital Solutions to Support Care Transitions.
Protected Health Information in Research Workshop
Recently, OSU's Chief Information Security Officer David McMorries made a presentation at a recent event relating to sensitive and confidential data. The PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded. More information relating to OSU's University Information and Technology is available.
Student & Early Career Editorial Board Call
Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI), the official e-journal of AMIA and IMIA, is creating a Student & Early Career Editorial Board, starting in 2020. The primary purposes of this board are to (1) include and mentor informatics trainees in the peer-review process and (2) to improve the experience of authors by providing high quality reviews.
Graduate students and post-doctoral trainees in biomedical informatics or related disciplines (computer science, engineering, data and information sciences) are invited to apply. Preferred, but not required qualifications, include (1) One first author publication and (2) completion of at least one year of a doctoral program, post-doctoral, or master’s program in biomedical informatics or a related discipline, and (3) membership in AMIA or their respective countries’ informatics organization.
Applications are due 3/1/20. Go to the AMIA page for more information.
What is HDI?
Both the CAHIIM and the AMIA have offered their definitions of health informatics:
CAHIIM: Health informatics is an interprofessional specialty that exists at the confluence of three major domains: health, information science and technology, and social and behavioral science. As with all other health professions, health informatics is the practice of using data, information, and knowledge for clinical care, scientific inquiry, decision making, and problem solving to improve the health, safety, and effectiveness of those working and being cared for within the system of health care delivery.
AMIA: Informatics is the intersection between the work of stakeholders across the health and healthcare delivery system who seek to improve outcomes, lower costs, increase safety and promote the use of high-quality services. Often confused with data science, big data, health information management and data analytics, informatics is the overarching field of study that pulls all these subdomains into one discipline focused on improving health and healthcare.
More information from AMIA can also be found here.
Upcoming NIH Webinar on New Data Management and Sharing Draft Policy
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is holding a 90-minute informational webinar Monday, December 16, about updating its policy on data sharing. This is the first update since 2003, and the webinar will provide an overview of the Draft NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing and Supplemental Draft Guidance. This 2019 draft Policy follows release of an initial Request for Information in 2018, asking for input from stakeholders. AMIA submitted detailed and comprehensive comments to the initial draft proposal in late 2018 and we will be compiling a response to this new draft Policy over the coming weeks.