REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture)/Data Management Resources


The HDI program promotes and actively facilitates the use of REDCap as a resource for collecting and managing sensitive research data. REDCap is in common use at academic and local medical centers and other universities, access to REDCap as a data management tool can enable OSU researchers to conduct and collaborate in large multisite and longitudinal studies. 

REDCap is a research data management system that uses a secure web application for building and managing research data for online surveys and databases.  While REDCap can be used to collect almost any type of data, in 2021 we have moved to supporting the needs of those projects requiring more robust information security and privacy standards.  With the OSU REDCap in the Secure Cloud (Refer to REDCap Terms of Use), research data collection that requires security and privacy protections for use of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Personal Health Information (PHI) (refer to HIPAA (Health Information Portability and Accountability Act) requirements), can be supported.

REDCap provides features not available in other data management systems including support for large-scale longitudinal studies. We have OSU-specific training resources in addition to the REDCap Consortium resources for REDCap users.  Researchers can contact us to set up REDCap accounts for their research teams and to consult on their data management plans.

Learning Resources

We have a few ways to help you get started using REDCap! 

  • CQLS offers a training REDCap server for you to see what REDCap can do and practice building projects.  Please note that no real data can be collected here.

  • CQLS offers a Canvas site for REDCap training starting with an introduction and ending with advanced topics.

The REDCap Canvas site covers topics such as:

  • Building data collection instruments
  • Data dictionary and codebook
  • Testing your project
  • Create reports and export data
  • Sending surveys
  • Mid study project changes
  • Piping
  • Conditional logic
  • Calculations and functions
  • Data quality rules
  • Longitudinal data collection
  • Repeating/one to many instruments
  • Smart variables
  • Data missingness
  • Electronic consent

Interested in joining the practice server or Canvas site?

REDCap has other (external to OSU) training materials:

If you have any questions about REDCap at OSU, please contact Joe Spring

Additional Resources

Planning to use REDCap?  CHECK OUT Important Info:

OSU REDCap in the Secure Cloud Terms of Use Guide

Fee Planner for MS Azure Secure Cloud for Research Data

REDCap development at OSU

  • 2019 began a test phase of REDCap on local server for practice data.
  • 2020 in collaboration with OIS, UIT and the TRACE Investigators, deployed a secure, custom, on-premises version of REDCap for use with COVID surveillance research through the TRACE community project.
  • 2021 in collaboration with OIS and UIT, established and tested an OSU-based REDCap system housed on a Microsoft (MS) Azure Secure Cloud. CPHHS research teams participated in piloting the new set up.
  • 2022 NIH funded research teams using REDCap to collect their data.
  • 2023 published training materials and videos on CANVAS.
  • 2023 developed and led a graduate credit course in College of Health 599/699 Advanced Research Methods Using REDCap.  Included guest lectures of Principal Investigator experienced using REDCap, hands-on training, and student-led projects. 
  • 2024 conducted hands-on workshop with training materials and new videos posted in CANVAS