CQLS Service Fees

effective July 1, 2022When filtering categories, multiple categories can be selected (or deselected) using the control/command key. For new searches, the reset button must be pressed. Underlined categories can be used to sort. For a full explanation of discounted external rates (DER), click here.
Service Service Type Title Fee Description Internal Fee Internal ID External Fee External ID DER Rate Per Item
HPC Hourly HPC After Hours Custom Hourly Service

HPC After Hours Custom Hourly Service

$200.00 11478-16 $300.00 11232-06 NA hourly
HPC Data Storage Data Storage - Data Purchase (20Tb)

Data Storage - Data Purchase (20Tb)

$2,000.00 11478-25 $3,000.00 11232-09 NA one-time
HPC Data Storage Data Storage - Monthly Container - Full Server

Data Storage - Monthly Container - Full Server

$275.00 11478-26 $412.50 NA NA monthly
HPC Data Storage Data Storage - Monthly Container Maintenance - College/Department

Data Storage - Monthly Container Maintenance - College/Department

$201.00 11478-14 $301.50 11232-08 NA monthly
HPC Data Storage Data Storage - Monthly Container Maintenance - Lab

Data Storage - Monthly Container Maintenance - Lab

$170.00 11478-15 $255.00 NA NA monthly
HPC Data Storage Data Storage - Rental (3Tb)

Data Storage - Rental (3Tb)

$67.00 11478-13 $100.50 11232-05 NA monthly
HPC Processing Processing - CPU Rental (16 core/128G)

Processing - CPU Rental (16 core/128G)

$107.00 11478-04 $160.50 11232-03 NA monthly
HPC Processing Processing - GPU Rental (8 core/64G)

Processing - GPU Rental (8 core/64G)

$107.00 11478-21 $160.50 11232-11 NA monthly
HPC Processing Processing - Monthly Maintenance CPU server

Processing - Monthly Maintenance CPU server

$75.00 11478-06 $112.50 11232-10 NA monthly
HPC Processing Processing - Monthly Maintenance CPU server (1/8 fraction)

Processing - Monthly Maintenance CPU server (1/8 fraction)

$10.00 11478-25 $15.00 11232-16 NA monthly
HPC Visualization Visualization Browser Monthly Hosting

Visualization Browser Monthly Hosting

$5.00 11478-03 $7.50 11232-13 NA monthly
HPC Visualization Visualization Processing Monthly Maintenance

Visualization Processing Monthly Maintenance

$5.00 11478-24 $7.50 11232-15 NA monthly
HPC Visualization Visualization Processing Monthly Rental VM

Visualization Processing Monthly Rental VM

$10.00 11478-23 $15.00 11232-14 NA monthly
HPC Web Server Web Server Monthly Maintenance

Web Server Monthly Maintenance

$15.00 11478-10 $22.50 11232-12 NA monthly
HPC Web Server Web Server Monthly VM Rental

Web Server Monthly VM Rental

$25.00 11478-09 $37.50 11232-04 NA monthly
HPC Access College-level HPC plug-in (discounted)

College-level HPC plug-in (discounted)

$850.00 11478-28 NA NA NA monthly